Episode 17: Outsourcing to "Do It All"

A little while ago I did a survey about what you all would like to see on the podcast and one of the things mentioned was how to stay organized and keep clean with little ones around. I don’t want to give the impression that my house is always clean and organized, but I have found some ways to maintain some organization and a peaceful home environment despite the chaos that is parenting. You might be surprised that working “smarter and not harder” is really how we’ve found a good rhythm in our home, and that involves working on our mindset/outsourcing/and lots of partnership. Listen using the links below for the details! 

This season I will be sharing a new episode bi-weekly and having guests at least once within a month. You can still expect updates via my Instagram and my weekly email memos. If you’re not subscribed to my memos you can do so HERE and know that any bonuses content, episodes, or discount codes from my guests will be sent here.


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