4 Surprising Takeaways from a Kon Mari Method Workshop


So before attending a workshop last month I honestly didn't know much about the Kon Mari method. In the past I'd picked up the book "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo, read a few pages, lost interest pretty quickly and never revisited it after that. Fast forward a year or so and I found out Ashley Barber of Simply Maven TX (who I met during my fitness instructor days) had begun teaching Kon Mari workshops here in Houston. It peaked my interest again honestly because I think Ashley is awesome, and I wanted to support another local boss lady. Other than that I was going in pretty blind! 

After it was all said and done, I was so pleasantly surprised at how much useful information I walked away with. I gained a fresh perspective on "tidying up" and the Kon Mari method resonates with my perspective on a holistic approach to health and well-being in more ways than I expected. According to the Kon Mari website the method is "a way of life and a state of mind that encourages cherishing the things that spark joy in peoples lives". They go on to mention the "importance [placed] on being mindful, introspective, and optimistic". This is so on point! Well-being truly does start from the inside out. Our mindset, behaviors, and even our belongings are and extension of that. I really learned so much, but I'm going to share the 4 key points I took away from my workshop experience that really changed the way I think about organizing my space.

1. Identifying Your Values is Major

One of the most beneficial personal development exercises I've done is working on identifying my highest values. Once I identified my values it became much easier to make decisions that were in line with the things most important in my life. Ashley really bought this concept to mind in her workshop because of the way the method challenges you on what to keep versus making it all about getting rid of things. When thinking about what to keep and "what sparks joy", you really begin to think about what material items reflect your highest values and function as tools in leading a life you love. For example, one of my highest values is community. (Originally I thought it was family, but there are a lot of individuals who are not my blood that I consider family so I chose community to represent that instead.)  I have a lot of kitchen gadgets like coffee makers and serving tools because preparing food or visiting over coffee is something I love to do as a means of getting my community together and enjoying one another's company. So instead of thinking I have to get rid of things for the sake of it, I ask myself "Is this something that will bring me joy and serve as a tool in creating a life I love?". Having this thought pattern allows for more clarity and less waste accumulating things that might not be helping, or even worse hindering, the cultivation of experiences that support your values and bring more joy. 

2. Present Time Consciousness Applies to Your Stuff Too

Another major "Ah-ha" moment I had was realizing there were so many material things I was holding on to that were connected to my past or the possibility of what may happen in the future. Living in the "now" by addressing what is right in front of you is important in so many aspects of life. Your material belongings are no exception! It really made me think about what items were clogging up my space because I think they might be useful some day or I'm afraid memories will slip away if I don't hold on to them (Like that stash of greeting cards that probably dates back to my teenage years.) In the workshop we focused on who we are now, and what items are a reflection of that. Once I get around to miscellaneous stuff, I'm sure I'll be ridding myself of plenty of items under the category "I thought this might come in handy someday"! Who knows when "someday" will come, so I'm switching my focus to here and now. 

3. It's All About Your Mindset, and Organizing is Almost a By-Product

The first 2 points already speak to this a ton. I went in thinking this method was a super specific and potentially rigid method to organizing my home. It's so much more than that! It's really all about your mindset and creating the tone for leading the life you want to live. Once again, I'm familiar with that concept in my personal and professional life but didn't realize how truly universal it is. My eyes have been opened to how my mindset effects the space I create for myself and how I can turn my home into a haven for me and my family. 

4. Folding Clothes Doesn't Have to Suck

Last but not least. The folding method! Mind blown. Complete game changer! I HATE folding clothes y'all. I literally throw everything into the drawer, hope for the best, and hang as many clothes as possible. The Kon Mari folding method not only creates more room but makes total sense when it comes to being able to see and have easy access to your belongings. I never thought I would say this but I'm actually excited to work on folding my clothes! Clothing is the first line item in the Kon Mari method that you start going through and organzining. I've already gotten started on this and am changing all my drawers over to fold Kon Mari style. It's amazing how something as small as folding your clothes differently not only creates space but also takes some of the stress out of getting ready in the mornings. 

I'm so glad I decided to try something new and was able to experience this workshop. If you're interested in the Kon Mari method you can read more about it in Marie Kondo's book "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up" and/or check out Ashley Barber's website Simply Maven and Instagram. If you are local to Houston I highly recommend attending one of her events! 

Have any of you guys read the book or tried the Kon Mari Method? What did you think?